Energizing a revitalized French Broad
“May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke
The Watershed Society is a powerful group of river lovers who commit significant resources in a community of changemakers. We envision a watershed where everyone belongs and everyone thrives, as the revitalization of the French Broad continues. The Watershed Society offers a crucible for its members to learn about our mission, focusing on critical issues including water quality, habitat conservation, and related challenges that impact local residents and businesses — advancing RiverLink’s role as a catalyst for innovative, science-based solutions that address current threats.
Designed to recognize community members who invest $1,000 or more annually, The Watershed Society comprises RiverLink’s most generous individual donor base and is the driving force behind much of our work.

The French Broad River is at a critical juncture. In a time of accelerating climate change – with the river recently classified as “Impaired” under the Clean Water Act, and recreational use at an all-time high – RiverLink’s efforts to continue the river’s revitalization must meet the rising challenges.
For over 35 years, RiverLink has proven that transformation is possible. Where Asheville’s riverfront was degraded by damaging industry, then abandoned – RiverLink and partners have transformed attitudes and created a thriving destination featuring galleries, restaurants, breweries, and parks, all linked by a public greenway. But there’s more to do to complete the job.
How we’ll get there: A Watershed of Opportunity
With seven full-time staff plus three AmeriCorps Project Conserve members, RiverLink is small but mighty. The Watershed Society creates impact across all program areas:
Land Conservation
A portfolio of 32 parcels that protect public parks, river access points, greenways, stream restoration projects, riparian buffers and steep slopes.
- $5,000 underwrites annual stewardship activities to maintain this portfolio.
- $10,000 ensures our land program can monitor and protect our conservation easements through science-based management in perpetuity.
- $25,000 supports next-level amenities in a high-profile location, such as Karen Cragnolin Park, opening in summer, 2023.
Water Quality
200+ landowners committed to clean water shedding from their property
- $1,000 supports a new rain garden installed to protect a local stream
- $5,000 launches a new workshop to advance best practices in clean water
- $10,000 helps historically marginalized communities build green stormwater amenities most of us take for granted
Environmental Education
Over 4,000 K-12 students annually–the next generation of river stewards
- $1,000 gift buys gas for in-stream field trips serving an entire grade level
- $2,000 provides scholarship support for 3 kids to attend a quality summer camp
- $5,000 Allows our program to engage with two schools in the watershed
- $10,000 sustains a public education campaign involving local business, earned and paid media, and social outreach to expand and amplify the community of changemaking adults
Joining is easy! Contribute $1,000 or more — via credit card online, or mail a check to: RiverLink, PO Box 120, Asheville, NC 28802.
For detailed information about The Watershed Society—including gifts of stock, planned giving and more, please contact Susan Andrew, 828.252.8474 x. 115, or at susan@riverlink.org