RiverLink, with the help of grant monies from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund, acquired a conservation easement on 10 acres of forested river frontage and upland habitat in Madison County, near Barnard, NC. The protected land is adjacent to an organic farm and orchard owned by the landowner, and the easement includes a French Broad River Paddle Trail campsite complete with a pavilion, grassy areas for setting up a tent, and a composting toilet for use by campers.
The protected property has high conservation value, and serves an important role in protecting water quality in both the French Broad River and Big Pine Creek (a potion of which runs through the property). Both waterways are designated as Class “C” waters, which means that they are protected for uses such as secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish consumption, aquatic life, maintenance of biological integrity, and agriculture.
The upland portion of the property is made up of hardwood forest, with oak and hickory trees being the prevalent species. Most of the property has steep grades, and parts of the land adjacent to the river corridor are characterized by rocky road cuts. This scenic, protected property is uniquely located near the west end of the Barnard Bridge, which provides one of the few means of crossing over the river in Madison County.