RiverLink Bus Tour

thu11jul10:00 amthu1:00 pmRiverLink Bus Tour10:00 am - 1:00 pm(GMT+00:00) New Belgium Brewing

Event Details

Join us as we explore the history of the French Broad River and its seminal place in the development of Asheville–from the time when Native Americans lived along its banks to the Buncombe Turnpike, the railroad, and industries of yesteryear.

We’ll also tell you how the river has changed since the days of George Vanderbilt, Thomas Wolfe, and when NASCAR greats Richard Petty and Junior Johnson raced cars in the area.

We’ll progress to the 1950s when Wilma Dykeman asked, “Who poisoned the river?” in her groundbreaking book, “The French Broad.”

Then, we’ll showcase the current-day thriving River Arts District, the beautiful chain of parks along the riverfront greenway, and the recreational opportunities that abound.

Our tour showcases not only the river, but also the great work of the RiverLink organization and its many partners (government, corporations, civic, non-profit conservation groups, and individuals) that have worked together to protect, preserve, and enhance the riverfront area so that locals and visitors alike can enjoy its beauty and grandeur.

If you like history and you appreciate environmental sustainability, this tour is for you.

During the tour, we’ll stop at the RiverLink office for a quick boxed lunch. Please be sure to note any dietary restrictions when booking the tour.

Since the tour meets at the New Belgium Brewery, once the tour concludes, we encourage you to hang out at the brewery’s tasting room to enjoy one of their acclaimed beers or relax on their patio overlooking the French Broad River. (Note: Any food and/or beverage purchases at the brewery are not included in your ticket price.)

[su_button url=”https://fareharbor.com/embeds/book/leapfrogtours/items/84860/calendar/2019/03/?full-items=yes” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#1ac4db” size=”6″ center=”yes” radius=”5″]Click Here to Buy Tickets[/su_button]


July 11, 2019 10:00 am - 1:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


New Belgium Brewing

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