RiverLink and the Town of Black Mountain to offer a free workshop on live staking streambanks
Asheville, NC – February 22, 2021 – RiverLink and the Town of Black Mountain are teaming up to offer a free, virtual live staking workshop. Live staking is an easy, cost effective way to reduce erosion on a streambank and cut down on the amount of sediment entering our waterways. The roots of the live stake plants help hold the soil in place, and provide a buffer of native vegetation that serves as important habitat for birds. Registration is limited to Black Mountain residents and includes a free bundle of 20 silky dogwood, elderberry and silky willow live stakes, plus an instructional video on installation and care. 20 stakes will cover 35-40 feet of streambank.
Pickup for live stakes will take place on Friday, March 12 from 3:00-5:30 pm at 304 Black Mountain Avenue. RiverLink staff will be in the public parking lot across from the Public Works building. Please be prepared to install the live stakes within a week of receiving them for best results.
*Registration has closed*